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Rock Taxi

Rock Taxi is a transport company that strive to provide the little extra to any customer’s needs.
The company is still growing after its humble start in 2008 and currently consists of 3 cars.
We rock in the weekends, but running first class on weekdays!

Who is Rock Taxi?


Leiv Kåre Larsen – Owner and General Manager
Leiv Kåre, b., 1983, started driving taxi in 2005, and started Rock Taxi in 2008.
Raised and living in Stavanger, attended St. Svithun VGS and very interested in music.
He has worked in several service occupations previously, and the combination of interests like music, driving and working as a taxi driver resulted in Rock Taxi.

What is Rock Taxi?


Rock Taxi is a transport company that strive to provide the little extra to any customer’s needs.
The company is still growing after its humble start in 2008 and currently consists of 3 cars.
We want to be a little different than everyone else, but with full focus on safety, service and comfort.
We rock in the weekends, but drive first class on weekdays!

Why Rock Taxi?


Rock Taxi has both a short and a long history;
The short version is that Rock Taxi was established in 2008, initially as Hard Rock Taxi and later renamed Rock Taxi in 2010.
From having one car in 2008, the company has gradually expanded to now have 3 vehicles and 6 employees.

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What do customers say about Rock Taxi?

Beste taxien på jord, tipp topp service, får meg alltid trygt hjem

Absolutt den beste Taxi opplevelsen du kan få, realt trykk i anlegget og knallbra musikk. Og for å ikke snakke om alltid godt humør og god humor på sjåførene, alltid kjekt å slå av en hyggelig prat med dem på veien til din destinasjon.

Konge transport